Hi! This is Juhi
I'm a former SWE Intern at Microsoft, an Adobe India WIT Scholar, a passionate Android Developer
About Me

I am Juhi Tiwari, a final year student at IIIT Gwalior, India, pursuing B.Tech+M.Tech in IT.
I love technology and leveraging it to solve problems faced by various sections in society. I love developing useful mobile apps and am absolutely bewildered by the field of Data Science and its scopes.
When not in front of screen, I like to call myself a proud slytherin and find my oasis of joy in my sketch book.
Some of the things I am good at
Mobile App Development
Skilled in developing apps via Java and Android Studio as well as native apps using React Native

Deep Learning
Love exploring the field of Data Sciences with some interesting projects in hand :)
Sketching & Writing
The creative side of this techie expressed on paper either by a brush or a pen
Software Engineering Intern - Microsoft
Developed a system to auto-log bugs for security control failures in Azure DevOps security scanner as a part of the Digital Security and Risk Engineering Team.
Android Development Intern - Boozingo
Developed an android app similar to Zomato but for hangout places for alcohol based beverages. Developed features like automatic SMS verification, notification via geofencing and searching of nearest places.
Android Development Intern - 4Mirror Tech
Developed an android app for an IoT based smart dustbin that notified the user of the garbage levels and estimated time of filling and next cleaning. Currently being used at IIIT Gwalior and airports of Bengaluru, Indore and Bhopal.
Some of my works
- Everything
- Apps
- Publications
- Art
Deaf Assistant

Deaf Assistant
Developed as a B.Tech Thesis Project, the app aims to help hearing impaired people by sensing emergency sounds such as sirens and alarms from surroundings and communicates this with user through vibrations.
It also translates Sign Language into English alphabets via Tensorflow Lite.
View on GithubSakhi

Developed under the Incubation Center at IIIT Gwalior, Sakhi is a one stop solution for all security problems faced by women.
A key feature of the app is to send an emergency message to your favourite contacts just by shaking of the phone.
View on GithubJobsFinder

Developed using React Native, JobsFinder help you find jobs near to you.
It uses a Tinder-like swipe animation to like/dislike job suggestions.
View on Github